We are a Christ-centered recovery program in Indiana
offering Day Classes for women struggling with drug or alcohol addictions.
Our Goal is to Open a Live-in Facility for Women to Participate in our Program.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Luke 4:18-19
Our Mission: Restoration
"We use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bring deliverance, hope, freedom and truth to those struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction and offer a structured recovery program based on Biblical principles."

Our Passion: Christ
& Empowering Education
7 Key Components
Commitment to Christ
Choosing Forgiveness
Renewing the Mind
Generational Patterns
Healing Life Hurts
Freedom from Oppression
Principles for Life Long Success
Our 5 Pillars
Career & Education
Financial Literacy
Relational Health
"And I am sure of this, that He Who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

Meagan's Testimony

Shelly's Testimony

Tiffanny's Testimony
I would like to tell my story of why I am starting the Henry County Women's Recovery Center. At 13, I was getting sexually abused at home. Shortly after the abuse started I was introduced to alcohol. It became my best friend. I used many other drugs but alcohol was always my number one drug of choice. At 24 I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. A girl I was working with at the time asked me to church. I decided to go and knew I needed to change and give my life to Christ. After becoming a Christian I still struggled with alcohol until years later the Lord delivered me from the oppression that was on my life. I was growing in my faith and relationship with him but there was a deliverance that needed to happen. I found emotional healing that helped me go back and deal with my trauma, forgive myself and others and heal generational patterns. Praise God I was set free and it is time for the Lord to set others free through the Henry County Women's Recovery Center. I am the Executive Director of the center and I have lived here in New Castle for 15 years with my husband of 16 years and our 3 children. The Lord has allowed me to stay home with my children and has been preparing me for my calling and purpose. He revealed to me this past March that it was "time," time to step out into my calling and the assignment that he had placed on my life a long time ago.
Hello everyone! The picture on the left is of me after being arrested in 2003 when I was 25 years old. I had been addicted to drugs for almost 8 years, and little did I know that the Lord would capture my heart in such a radical way just a few days later. I remember this day so well, I had not yet found my fix; but guaranteed the day before I had smoked Meth, shot up Cocaine and Oxy’s, and popped some hydrocodone. I was in so much emotional pain and I just wanted something that would cover my shame. I barely remember this girl, but I do occasionally feel her pain creeping through. The picture on the right is of me today. Jesus delivered me from the depths of hell and placed me back on the path that He originally intended for me. I had a process of healing and restoration to go through, and his power and presence were with me the whole way. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing family and restored my soul! I love this life I’ve been given. I’m so grateful for my second chance! I know how much pain and trauma play a part in addiction (and other unhealthy coping mechanisms) which is why I have a great passion to help equip others on how to process and heal from emotional pain and grow closer to the Lord. My purpose in life is to liberate wholeness in others. This will be my main role when working with the women.
In my personal life, David and I have grown our family both biologically and through adoption. We were foster parents for three years and during that time we adopted four children. As parents to eight children and grandparents to one, our lives are filled with laughter, lessons, and a little chaos. Due to my experience with the Foster Care system and adoption, I have seen the effects that addiction has on generations. Each of my four adopted children has biological mothers who could not escape the trap of addiction. I believe there is healing, restoration and wholeness waiting on anyone willing to receive it. Through the opening of the Henry County Women’s Recovery Center, I know we will see generations restored to their full potential determined by their creator, Father God. I am so excited and eager to be the Associate Director of the Center.