How do you start a successful non-profit from the ground up? That is the question we have been asking ourselves since August. We began with the important things and have seated and established our 501c3 status, now we are focusing on building awareness and building community partnerships.

Meagan and Shelly have been to the New Castle Farmer’s Market where they spread the word that a Recovery Center for women is coming to Henry County. Meagan spread our message at the Rock-N-Recovery event that was held downtown on September 30. Tiffanny set up a table and networked with other addiction organizations at the Henry County Mental Health Awareness event held at First Baptist Church. Meagan also spoke in front of the Kiwanis Club at their September meeting.
Two churches have invited HCWRC to educate them on who we are and what we hope to do for women suffering from addiction. First Baptist allowed us time with their missions board and New Covenant Worship Center opened up an entire Sunday morning to hear about our mission.
We have successfully submitted our first grant application and we have met with two local churches that are interested in partnering with us and both have houses that could be our first home for the women we want to serve. Big things are happening and God is revealing his will and plan for the Henry County Women’s Recovery Center.

The momentum is exciting and it is all because our supporters continue to spread the word and use their influence to help us get an audience with the right people. It is our hope to inform many more churches, civic groups and parachurch organizations that a recovery center is coming. If you are a part of a church or organization that wants to hear more, please help us get connected.